It’s like meeting someone for the first time using a new app. Your initial interactions might be awkward and confusing, or an instant connection might exist. First experiences are all in both of these settings!
How do you ensure that your app falls into the category of “instant connection?” When it comes to making a great first impression, onboarding software is the holy grail. Onboarding is one of the most important phases of the journey of an app user since it is the first point of contact with your app according to App Developer Dubai.
What is app onboarding?
In essence, the onboard system is a set of screens that direct users through the configuration and functions of the device. App onboarding allows businesses to interact effectively with their customers and to promote successful user experience. These on-board screens have three purposes:
- To educate the user about the features and advantages of the app.
- Enable the user to register his login details.
- Collect profile information that can be used to provide customized content and alerts.
Types of on-boarding:
Based on your company and type of app, there are different types of onboard applications that you can introduce. What all these on-board approaches have in common is that they empower and encourage users to learn by exploring the app.
1. Benefit-oriented on-boarding:
A method of onboarding displays the advantages or interests that the user gets from the app in an attempt to promote conversion. Instead of using the app, this approach focuses on what the app does. Such onboard screens will also include requests for authorization, such as accessing location and sending push notifications, for which users can opt-in.
2. Function-oriented boarding:
By teaching the client how to use the interface, this approach focuses on app functionality. The user will have an app tour with specific instructions on how to get started and how to do any acts.
3. Progressive onboarding:
Progressive onboarding is a little more detailed as it reveals new information to users as they slowly progress through the app. The instructions shown on the screen relate to the user’s page as if it were a live walkthrough. The users must know as they navigate the app instead of getting the directions upfront.
Why does your app need on-boarding?
While you’re already all ready seeing the need for an onboard device, let’s dig into the science behind it a little deeper.
Intuitive knowledge of how to navigate an app is difficult for new users, particularly if the interface is different from what they are used to. Having a successful first-time user experience is critical to the success of an app and to ensure continued use of the product. The reality is that if an app takes too long to find out, users lose interest.
While this may or may not be due to your app’s complexity, hone on is an important statistic. Including an onboarding application process would help make the first use as seamless as possible, reducing potential user dropouts. In other words, businesses will increase their retention of users by using appropriate onboarding software.
What does it mean? There is much more space for early progress, so there will be a massive impact in that week and the weeks that follow with small changes to user onboarding. You can get earlier use by introducing user onboarding and, as a result, increasing the usage of the device over time.
Also, read The do and DON’Ts of Mobile App Onboarding.
Next steps:
Our new onboard app provides a simple and easy walkthrough that educates the user about the app’s quality, as well as requests for feature permission. Users have the option to sign up for the app and create their profile at the end of the walkthrough. To gain consumer insights by:
- Offering a smooth user experience, this benefit-oriented onboarding is a must for small businesses.
- Enabling an easy-to-win lead gen device.
- To give your customers a name and a face.
Mobile App Developer Dubai makes this onboard system software for your small business customers as they will see a significant increase in in-app conversions. In the long run, this will result in increased revenue and you will be able to showcase the ROI from your app as the reseller. This is a win-win!
Let’s Get in Touch:
Hire me and reap the benefits of app onboarding.