What Are The Ways to Increase User Engagement For Your App?

App Developer Dubai gives these top ways to increase user engagement for your app. Let’s take a look:

  1. Onboarding

An effective onboarding measure is significant for first-time clients. Onboarding gives directions on the best way to get an incentive from your application and underlines your application’s key highlights.

Advantages. Your application’s onboarding is the primary occasion to snare your clients and establish a positive first connection: the better your onboarding, the higher your client commitment, maintenance, and devotion.

The fundamental objective of application onboarding is to assist clients with beginning with your application. If you do decide to make an onboarding experience, don’t over-burden your onboarding stream.

  1. Freemium model

The least demanding approach to expand your item deals is to permit clients to associate with your portable application for nothing partly.

Advantages. At the point when clients know how your application functions, what significant highlights it has, and how well it can address their issues, they’ll be bound to pay.

  1. App store visuals

Before following your portable application’s downloads, appraisals, and surveys, you need to make your application stand apart from the application store. To pull in clients and get them to give your application a go, Freelance App Developer Dubai offers an upgraded application title, a symbol; screen captures, recordings, and a portrayal.

Advantages. A unique symbol alongside a keen application name, a reasonable depiction, and screen capture that feature your application’s center advantages will improve your application’s perceivability on the application stores and empower your portable item to join the application store pioneers.

  1. Account creation measure

To become familiar with your clients’ conduct and have the option to arrive at your intended interest group, you’ll probably have to add an enlistment structure to your application’s onboarding cycle. The primary objective of enlistment is to get clients’ contact data as essentially and rapidly as could be expected under the circumstances.

Advantages. A productive sign-up cycle improves an application’s change rate and, subsequently, generally speaking, client commitment.

  1. Push Notifications

Message pop-ups impart pertinent data to clients progressively whether their gadget is dynamic or bolted. Message pop-ups are quicker than other specialized strategies, for example, email. They likewise don’t get trapped in spam channels. Pop-up messages are an extraordinary method to convey essential data straightforwardly to your clients.

Advantages. When given necessary and opportune substance, clients become more drawn in, and your consistency standard can expand triple to ten times.

  1. Deep Linking

Profound connecting sends clients directly to a specific screen inside your application in a single tick. You can incorporate profound connecting into promotion flags, messages, or your site to guide traffic to your portable application, a specific screen in your application, or your application’s page on the App Store or Google Play Store.

Advantages. A profound connection resembles an easy route, as it sends clients straightforwardly to a particular application screen rather than to your application’s home screen or a profile screen. Its capacity to assist clients with accomplishing their objectives makes profound connecting a powerful method of boosting application changes, maintenance, and income.

To build client commitment: 

  • Welcome messages: You need to establish a decent connection during the central dispatch to shape long haul associations with your objective clients. The first run through a client dispatches your application; you can send in-application messages with straightforward directions on the most proficient method to explore your application and review its center highlights. You can propel clients to sign in, complete enrollment, update their profiles, or license message pop-ups.
  • Proposal messages: Given the historical backdrop of your objective clients’ conduct and their present inclinations, you can send customized in-application suggestions about significant offers.
  • First-time change messages: The objective of these messages is to urge new clients to finish their first changes.
  • Review and Feedback: You can request that the objective client’s rate highlights your application that they’ve quite recently utilized. The objective is to uncover any bugs and get criticism about each element’s support and the general estimation of your application for your clients.


As should be obvious, after building up an application, you need to advance and support it. If you plan on jumping head-first into expanding your versatile application’s key measurements, it’s no assurance that your application will possess the best position in the application market rankings. Contact me for further details!

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